Photo By RachelArnhartPhotography
Hello My Workout Buddies!
Now that we are closer than ever to the New Year, I wanted to share three things that help motivate me to continue to stay in shape. First of all you need a Purpose for keeping in shape. In February, Dan and I are planning a vacation to some place tropical. This requires beach attire; and trying on bikinis can be very stressful especially after the eating fest that went on over the last two months (Thanksgiving and Christmas). But now that I know we will be heading to the beach in February; I am motivated to get my body super toned so that I can have the confidence to wear that bathing suit.
The second thing that motivates me is a Challenge. I find that being challenged to do something(like staying in shape) helps me from getting bored with my same old routines. For Christmas, Dan bought me a Fit Bit. Some of the wonderful things that the Fit Bit does is track my heart rate and tell me how much fat that I’m burning. I think that having a Fit Bit will push me more than I push myself at the gym. This week I will also be weighing myself, weighing my food, measuring my carbs, and working out 6 days a week. Lastly, find a workout buddy. Dan and I work out together from time to time. We have the same ambitions when it comes to our fitness and we both push each other to the limit. He doesn’t let me give up and he shows me some workouts that I wouldn’t think of trying on my own. Challenge, Purpose, and Workout Buddy…all motivating factors that help me to reach my goal of staying fit. Working out isn’t easy; you just have to do it! I hope you all enjoyed these fitness tips. Can’t wait to hear what motivates you!!!
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