Photo By Photographer PearlSnap Photography
Hello Friends,
Today post is a bit different. Everything and every feeling, starts with your health.
I have posted material in the past, talking about eating healthy and working out, but in order to accomplish this you need to be able to. I wasn’t sure if I should write this post, but I decided I wanted to share my story. Maybe someone out there is going though the same experience. I never knew that Fibroids exist until I was diagnosed with them in April of 2015.
How did I find out?
I remember that in January of 2015 I wasn’t feeling good but I just thought it was just a lack of vitamins. I continued to workout but really wasn’t engaged, just going through the motions.
When February came along I started to feel so weak it was hard to get out of bed. I figured if I increased my protein and ate a lot more greens, I would start feeling better. I did started to feel much better, but as March came along, I started to get some really bad pain. I knew something was wrong! I immediately made a doctors appointment and scheduled a ultrasound. I remembered clearly that day as the nurse sat me down and told me that I had a huge massive fibroid. I literally started to cry and asked the nurse, “What are fibroids?” I ask the nurse if it was serious and she said I needed to talk to my doctor.
I didn’t get a chance to talk to my doctor that day but when I got home I started to do my own research on the internet. Of course after doing some research, my mind was running in circles and I thought the worst. Note to self, “Never try to diagnose your own injuries.” After speaking to my doctor, he made me feel at ease and told me this was a common occurrence. In order to remove the fibroid it would require me to have surgery. There were two different procedures he suggested for surgery. One was robotic surgery where the fibroid were removed by a laser and the other was to have C-Section.
I really wanted something less complicated so I could recover quickly and get back to my daly routine of working out. Boy I was not ready for what what I was told next!
My doctor found out through a MRI that my fibroids were equivalent to the size of a grapefruit or 24 weeks pregnant. Of course, because of the size of the fibroids, we had to do a C-section.
I schedule my surgery in June of 2015 and couldn’t wait to get this fibroid out of my system. The fibroid was dragging my body down and I had no energy to work out or even get out of bed everyday.
My energy was so low at times that I would sometimes take a pre workout supplement, to give me a boost of energy. It was pretty bad!
After my surgery I was in so much pain and it me took 6 weeks to recover. Throughout the 6 weeks, I realized that I have taken my health for granted. The doctor told me fibroids can be hereditary and be from the food we consume.
I now get checked every year to make sure I don’t have to go through that procedure again. I really wanted to open up to all of you through this experience.
So If you feel that something is wrong, please don’t ignore it. Go get it checked out!
It will put your mind at ease and of course you will be able to continue to have those intense workouts you love to hate.
Thank you again for stopping by! Please leave any comments below if you have any questions.