Photo By Photographer Brandon Hill
Hello friends,
You all know how much I enjoy fitness gear and I have to admit that Nike is definitely step up their athletic clothes line. Workout clothes play a huge roll in my life. I work out 5 to 6 days a week. When I’m not working and running around doing errands, I wear athletic clothes to be comfortable. Nike makes the cutest clothes so it’s easy to wear them all day.
Am I the only one that feels this way?
Today on uptown Fashion by Jess, I am sharing 5 tips that have help me stay fit and reduce my stress level.
5 Tips to Stay Lean
1. Cardio: 35 to 45 minutes of cardio helps reduce stress, stay lean and challenges my body
2. Weight Training: lifting weights helps build muscle which will reduce body fat
3. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): A Cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods.
jumping squats, mountain climbers, jump jacks and jumping lunges are some examples.
4. Food: Eating healthy six days out of the week is important. You will see faster results in your body.
5. Goals: writing down goals of what you want to accomplish with your body helps you keep focus.
For example: for me one of my goals for the month of October is to do 7 pull ups without my husbands help.
So if you are a mom or a girl boss and have a lot going on, fitness is the best way to reduce stress and stay lean. Happy Monday!
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